Monday, October 13, 2008

Observation Deck

Today the school I work at took a family field trip to Longwood Gardens. The teachers got to go along, and didn’t I find it interesting how parents interact with their children (outside of the fifteen minutes I get to see at drop off and pick up). Parents couldn't get their kids attention, insisted on holding hands if out of the stroller, and best, started complaining how they would never get their kids down for a nap!

I, however, called 'Ladies!' just once, and four of my children turned around. Nap? No problem. Stop going into your child's room! Stop answering his/her every call! And please, whatever you do, forget the milk bottle. At three your child should be consuming more than enough calories and balanced meals that he/she does not need milk six times a day, let alone from a bottle.

Overall the trip was entertaining, mostly due to the wild goose chases between adult and child.

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