Sunday, October 26, 2008

Birthday Wishes

One of my favorite kids- Elsa- had her birthday party today up at the Paul Green School of Rock. Her parents are fantastic and organized- in conjunction with a friends also celebrating their daughters' birthdays- a costume dance party. Forget the kiddie music -- put on Abba, Violent Femmes, and Prince. Hang a disco ball and have some random hipsters dancing on stage and the scene is set.

Best part- I got to spend time with Elsa. She and I have a wonderfully special relationship. I'm her favorite teacher, and she's an all-time favorite kid. She sat on me and told me to start listening. I pretended trying to get up. She'd tackle me down.

She melted into my lap as soon as I got there.
My heart melted all over her.

Elsa, hanging on my leg, of course.

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